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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

  12:43 PM - Site Moving, Or What's New Ending Soon
This site's "what's new" information feed is served by Blogger. As Blogger is discontinuing their FTP publishing service, that will no longer work. I have not yet decided whether to:
  • Discontinue the "what's new" feed (which was really just a slow trickle).
  • Migrate the site to (which would break links and require changes to the site structure but would also get rid of the Tripod's annoying popups and banners).
  • Change to a "pull" model to bring the Atom feed from BlogSpot into the Tripod page.  This could involve client-side AJAX but is more likely to be supported by server-side Perl code so that updates can be cached.
Switching from Blogger to another blogging tool is not an option: I like Blogger quite a lot and have been using it for other sites.
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